Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hey! Say! JUMP in Tokyo Dome

This video is subbed by NEWSHFAN and was posted in her livejournal account, but sadly, her journal was deleted. LUCKILY, we we're able to have a copy just before she deleted her account. Enjoy! But please, credit us when sharing.:) Also, don't upload to streaming sites!! Please keep the videos for self use only. Just ask our permission if you're thinking of sharing it. Arigatou!

PW: sweatofjoy

NOTE: You have to join the files with hjsplit:)


  1. thank youuuuuuuu!!!! can you also upload disc 1 and 3? please pretty please~~!!! and jumping tour T.T

    1. the disc 1 is the concert part.. and i think there is no part 3?? the JUMP-ing tour, there are still a lot of the files in livejournal..=)) we're aiming on uploading files that we're already deleted..=))

  2. It's setted private :( We can't access this anymore...

  3. Thank you very much!!

  4. Thank you so much!!
